Your support is invaluable to us. Help us grow by sharing on socials, following our show, giving it a stellar rating, and leaving a review. By doing so, you contribute to our visibility and inspire us to enhance our content for the SEO community.
Check out the simple instructions below on how to support our show on popular platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
Apple Podcasts
1. On your iOS mobile device, launch the Apple Podcast app.

2. Tap on the Search tab on the lower right corner of your screen.

3. Type the podcast name and then tap on the blue “search” button at the bottom right, or select the podcast name if it appears in the dropdown list.

4. Select the podcast album art. This takes you to the podcast page.

5. To follow, tap on the “+ Follow” button at the top right corner of the screen.

6. To rate and review, scroll down the bottom of the page until you find “Ratings & Reviews”.

7. Then tap on “Write a Review”. Tap on the stars to leave a rating and write a review title and your honest opinion about the podcast. Tap “Send” and that’s it!

Note that Spotify podcast ratings are only possible on Spotify apps but are not available on web players. And unlike Apple Podcasts, Spotify doesn’t give users the ability to leave reviews—at least not yet. However, you can leave a rating from one to five stars. To rate using your iOS or Android app:
1. Open the Spotify app on your mobile phone.

2. Tap the Search tab at the bottom of the screen, then type the podcast’s name on the search bar.

3. Select the podcast name from the results. This takes you to the podcast show page.

4. To follow, tap on the “Follow” button immediately underneath the podcast artwork.
5. To rate the show, tap on the three dots adjacent to the “Follow” button and select “Rate Show”. Alternatively, tap the More (…) icon, then select Rate show. Then drag your finger or tap on one of the five stars to leave a rating. That’s it!

Support the podcast by buying us a coffee!
If you are enjoying our content, why not buy us a coffee? By doing this, you are helping us offset the cost of producing the podcast!
You’ve made it this far to the end, well hopefully you left that rating and wrote a review on your favorite podcast app! Thank you so much for your support!